Who: Jenny
When: Saturday, July 21
Where: San Francisco
So what's the best way to unwind from the craziness that is the first day of school?... blog about a great summer day full of fun ladies and colorful makeup!!!
I'm so excited to finally get the chance to share about Jenny's wedding makeup application! Alex and I arrived at the San Francisco Timeshare early in the morning at 6am. What was so sweet was Jenny's future Father-in-law, who met us by the door to welcome us and show us the way to the room. He was so happy and warm, and just downright hospitable!
Jenny sat down in the makeup chair last, after she had gotten her hair done.
Hair in progress
Before and After
Working on evening out Jenny's skin tone
Jenny had to keep her eyes closed for quite a while as the lash glue was drying. She even drank water with her eyes closed!
Eyebrows, cheeks, eyeshadow, and lashes are all done. Just adding the last touches of eyeliner.
Bridesmaids looking on
Oh my gosh!!! Jenny's eyes are so beautiful!
Jenny, there was no doubt in anyone's mind how happy a bride you were that day. You were glowing! Wishing you and James loads of fun, giggles, and together time.
Photos courtesy Jenny
Hong, Jenny, and Mariah

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