Photo courtesy Ricci's Photo Art
Who: Mindy Suga as PRIS from the movie Blade Runner
What: Bay Area Artistic Shoots (Shoot the Replicant)
Where: Santa Clara Studio
Okay, honestly I had no clue who this PRIS character was when George e-mailed and asked if I had ever seen the movie Blade Runner. Needless to say, I looked it up immediately and two things came to mind... 1) PRIS would be an AWESOME character to do makeup for and 2) Wow, Harrison Ford was crazy young!
To help with prepping for the MU for PRIS and this Meetup, I pulled a few screenshots from the internet to use as guides. PRIS was played by Daryl Hannah.

I had worked with Mindy before and was so excited to be able to spend a morning with her again! She's an absolute artist, down to earth and full of great conversation. Time with her is always refreshing and I'm so happy with how all the photos turned out! Good job Mindy!
Mindy's hair was already teased when I came into George's studio. I was able to get started right away with the PRIS makeup. I went for more of a porcelain facial skin tone using my lightest airbrush foundation to start, then liberally dusting matte white eyeshadow onto Mindy's face until I was satisfied with the coverage.
The eye look was achieved with a metallic blue tacky shadow applied in the general shape around Mindy's eyes. I then used black eyeshadow to finish the "unfinished" look around the eyes. Although the PRIS look in the movie had more muted lips, we decided to bring Mindy's lips out a bit more for photoshoot purposes.
There's this scene in the movie where Harrison Ford's character comes into a creepy room filled with all these dolls and mannequins. Little does he know that PRIS is actually there, HIDING as one of the mannequins... eeks!!! Of course, I'm sure you can guess what would happen next.

(Doesn't Harrison Ford look so young here?!?)
So George has the fantastic idea of having a similar setup. Once Mindy's makeup was done and she was dressed, she made herself look all mannequin like (extremely still with unblinking eyes) while George then let the photographers come in. Some of them didn't realize Mindy was real!!!
As always, I loved the energy and enthusiasm all the photographers had coming into the shoot. It was fun seeing their reactions to Mindy/PRIS :) Here are a few shots I've pulled from their postings.

Photo courtesy Vinny Arrigali

Photos courtesy Vinny Arrigali

Photo courtesy Felicia Hong

Photo courtesy J.J.
That was fun! Plenty more amazing photos here if you would like to see more :)
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