Who: Joyce
When: Sunday, July 11
Where: San Jose
I've had to save up everything I've been wanting to post about Joyce and I finally get to put it all out here on my blog. Yay! This girl made me laugh!!! Really Hard!
She was one of the most down-to-earth brides I've met. And she was sooooo great about trusting me with the makeup look we had created during her trial. As a makeup artist, I always try to connect with my clients... Joyce just made it super easy :) Joyce's husband (Alex) is a very blessed man to have found such a beautiful woman to live his life with!
Before and After
Eyes open and closed
Here, I'm connecting Joyce's natural lashes and false lashes together with mascara. Sometimes, that involves curling the two together to ensure a smooth little flip.
Cleaning up loose shadow under the eyes
Taking a break with a good 'ol technology fix!
Before I finished Joyce's makeup, she went over to get her hair done. Irene So from StyleItSo, did a great job with the hair! Click on her name if you would like to see more of her work or to get in contact with her.
Hair done! Working on finishing the lips.
Done :)
Other shots:
Relaxing with Janny
Helping with pinning Effie's hair up
Too cute with Jessica!
Joyce, what a wonderful time I had with you and all of your girls. It was so apparent how much you all love each other and support one another. You made me feel like I had known you forever! Best wishes to you and Alex! You truly show God's character.
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