One of my most favorite girls in the whole world is getting married!!! And I get the honor of helping her get wedding ready! Yay!!!
Let's take a trip down memory lane :)
Last day of Middle School 1993 :)
Ahhhhhh, so young.
Ahhhhhh, so young.
High School Orchestra Concert 1998
No words. No words to describe the deep amount of love I have for Er and how she has impacted my life, blessed me, given me so much to laugh about, to be happy about, and to be amazed about. We are opposites, and yet the same. I can be my complete honest self when I'm around Erin, and I feel safe and at peace... even as we're laughing so hysterically that we're wiping tears away and holding our sides. I love this wonderful girl with the most beautiful soul, and I couldn't be more ecstatic as she and Chad make plans for their special day and their lives together!
Okay! So now to the makeup part! This turned out to be a semi impromptu trial, but I think it turned out really well :)
Before and After
Fun fact: Er has THE BEST skin ever. She will always try to make me feel better by texting whenever she has a pimple (which is almost never) so that I won't feel so bad about my skin :)
Eyes closed with a closer look at the eyeshadow
Three differences about these two photos:
1. Indoor vs. Outdoor
2. Natural lip color vs. a more rich, pigmented lip color
3. Hair not styled vs. Hair styled
I personally like the richer, more pigmented lip color. We'll play around more with the lip color though since she'll be changing her blue hair to PURPLE HAIR! :)

Since this was an impromptu session, we didn't have any of the hair accessories that would really be used during the wedding. This style with the bobbi pins was just to complete her look and give her some added interest in the hair. We'll figure out something out for the actual wedding day that will work for her!
Love you ErBear! Thank you for being by my side all these years! Can't wait to celebrate with you and Chad on your special day :)
Er was one of my bridesmaids!!! 2007
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