It was such a pleasant surprise to receive an e-mail from Sarah, the Chief Blankie Crafter and
Co-Founder of EllieFunDay! Talking with her several years back at a mutual friend's wedding, and following their blog, you can sense the passion and love she has for EllieFunDay and the women that are empowered through it. Please take some time to browse through their website and see what they are all about :)
So it turned out, they were going to do a photoshoot! Yay! Introducing,

Who: Janine (Model)
What: Fall 2014 Photoshoot for EllieFunDay
Photographer: Calvina Photography
Sarah was great about sharinging her vision for the photo shoot. We were able to talk on the phone about the look and feel she was going for. She also sent me some photos that reflected her ideas... fancy design pages that made me go, "Ooh! Wow!"

I met Janine at her place to help with hair and makeup. Looking back, it still amazes me that she was able to juggle and balance life with a toddler and a newborn that day and STILL rock out her photoshoot with her baby!
Before and After
Yes, not exactly the best lighting, and photos taken with my iphone... but you get the idea :)
Look: Glowy, goddess, waking up in the morning fresh
To get Janine's lips just right, I mixed about seven different lipcolors!
Before and After
Cool facts: Sarah made the flower crown and the pillowcase dress Janine wears in the photoshoot!
Thanks Janine for sending this one over!
EllieFunDay Goddess Swaddle Wrap Gallery

That was fun!
On a side note, Honey and I were able to visit Sarah and Elton at their EllieFunDay booth at the Renegade Craft Fair in SF this past July. Seeing photos of their blankets is one thing, but feeling how soft and luxurious they actually are is something completely different and wonderful!
Keep up the good work Sarah and Elton! Looking forward to more of your adventures :)