Who: Kori
When: Saturday, Feb. 22
What: Hair and Makeup Trial
Yay! What a super fun day it was being back with Margaret and Kori! This time, instead working together in the school setting with our kids, we were working together to create Kori's wedding day look! :)
Before and After #1
Margaret and I worked on Kori's look at the same time! Margaret created Kori's updo while I applied her makeup.
Before and After #2
A couple of the key things I did to help Kori's features pop were to shape and fill her brows with a taupe color, and enhance her eyes with bold mascara and false lashes. We went from transparent lashes and brows, to visible ones!
Profile shots
A coral blush was used in highlighting Kori's cheekbones to match with her skin tone and warm eyeshadow colors used. I LOVE Kori's dimples!
I took a step back for a bit to get this shot of Margaret working on Kori's hair. The "Ooh!!! I have STUFF in my hair!" exclamation from Kori will not be forgotten...ever. :)
Before and After (Hair)
Beautiful job Mags!
Kori had chosen a hair piece that fits her personality and tea length wedding dress for her special day. No long veils here!
Well THAT was fun! Kori, you were such a good sport in letting Margaret and I do whatever we wanted with you :) Looking forward to celebrating with you and Ian on your special day!